Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines: How It Works

Acupuncture for Headaches in Zev Alpert Acupunturist in Zichron Yaacov

Living with Chronic Headaches or Migraines?

Living with chronic headaches or migraines? Alpert Acupuncture in Zichron Yaakov offers treatments that may reduce the frequency and intensity of your headaches. Contact us to learn more. Acupuncture is highly effective for migraines, as it reduces the intensity and frequency of attacks until only mild headaches occur during peak times. The number of sessions needed varies based on the patient’s severity.

About Alpert Acupuncture

At Alpert Acupuncture, we specialize in treating acute and chronic pain, anxiety, and sleep problems. Our individualized treatment plans are tailored to meet each person’s unique needs. Located in Zihron Yaacov, just 45 minutes from Haifa and 25 minutes from Hadera, our clinic provides a tranquil setting where true healing can begin.

Welcome to a New Era of Pain Management

Welcome to a new era of pain management grounded in traditional Chinese medicine. Call us at 055 500 5265 for more information.

What are Migraines?

Migraines or headaches affect approximately 13% of the population, according to data published by AEMICE, with their main symptom being headache pain. This neurological disorder, which can be debilitating for sufferers, presents in the frontal or entire cranial area.

Diagnosis Challenges in Conventional Medicine

Diagnosing migraines in conventional medicine is complicated as there are no tests (MRI, X-ray, CT scan) that can confirm their existence. Instead, conventional medicine doctors rely on observing other symptoms such as light sensitivity, vomiting, nausea, etc.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach

However, in Chinese medicine, we use different diagnostic methods and attribute different causes to the origin of migraines. In this article, we aim to shed light on how acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine provide a reliable and scientific alternative for the treatment of migraines.

Can Acupuncture Treat Migraines?

The answer is yes. Numerous studies published in prestigious scientific journals such as PubMed, Cochrane, TripDatabase, and Elsevier have demonstrated the efficacy of acupuncture in treating migraines.

Long History and Scientific Support

The efficacy of acupuncture as a treatment for migraines and headaches, in general, is not only supported by its 2,500 years of medical practice. Today, the Western scientific community, through continuous rigorous research and publications, has elevated acupuncture as a solid and reliable option for headache treatment. It is increasingly being incorporated into public clinical centers and hospitals, especially in pain treatment units.

How is Migraine Diagnosed in Traditional Chinese Medicine?

The diagnostic protocol currently used in TCM has undergone adaptation and evolution over the centuries. The various diagnostic tools allow the doctor, together with a thorough anamnesis, to confirm the various hypotheses that arise during the consultation. The distinctive factor of Chinese medicine compared to other medicines is clearly defining what the cause is and what the symptom is, thus being able to develop different treatment methods for each.

Causes of Migraines According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, unlike conventional medicine, we understand that the causes of all headaches are the same and have a common origin: imbalances or alterations in our body that manifest as discomfort, pain, and other various symptoms.

Three Main Causes

  1. Blood Deficiency: Caused by a poor and unhealthy diet that can lead to lack of energy and consequently fatigue, stress, and of course, headaches.
  2. Excess Liver Yang: When the liver function that controls blood flow in our body does not work properly, it can cause symptoms such as irritability, headaches, insomnia, or dizziness.
  3. Sudden Climatic Changes: This factor, considered an “exogenous pathogenic wind,” can cause imbalances in the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body, favoring the appearance of headaches.

How Many Acupuncture Sessions Are Needed?

It is impossible to know exactly how many acupuncture sessions will be necessary to treat a headache since each patient presents a different case. The health status of each person, as well as the intensity and causes of the imbalance they suffer from, can differ.

In most published studies on the subject, patients begin to experience improvement between the 4th and 5th sessions, but these are only indicative data.

It has been unequivocally demonstrated that acupuncture application in the treatment of migraine headaches often results in symptom improvement for patients, expressed in reduced pain intensity and fewer headache days. Acupuncture significantly improves the quality of life for patients suffering from chronic headaches of any kind. It is advisable to always go to an accredited clinic where they can evaluate you to make a precise diagnosis, allowing the professional to apply the appropriate treatment.

Personalized Acupuncture Treatment Near Haifa and Hadera

If you’re searching for a holistic treatment that addresses the root causes of pain and discomfort of head pain look no further than Alpert Acupuncture Clinic. Conveniently located in Zikhron Yaakov, just 45 minutes south of Haifa and 25 minutes north of Hadera.

Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines: How It Works

Ready to experience the benefits of acupuncture for headaches? Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a more balanced, healthier life.

Alpert Acupuncture Clinic

Visit: Tamar St 32, Zikhron Ya’akov
Call: 055 500 5265

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